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Briefing de design - Identidade Visual 

Your data:
1) Name
2) Email
3) WhatsApp

4) Company size (Informal, MEI, Micro, Small or large)

About your audience:

1) Who is your audience?

2) Where is it located?

3) Age range?

4) Education?

5) Social class? 

Tell me about your company:

1) What is it about?

2) What are the products/services offered?

3) How long has it been around?

4) What is your mission, vision and values?

5) Do you have a physical store too?

6) Describe her with 2 words!

7) Describe her with 1 word!

Your competitors:

1) List your local competitors.

2) List your regional competitors here.

Provide links (website, Facebook and Instagram) if possible.

3) TheHow is it different from your competitors?


1) List of 3 brands that you consider onegood image reference.

2) List of3brands you consider abad image reference.

3) What will be the text signed on the brand?

4) Does it have a signature slogan? 

Selecione características da marca (pode ser mais de 1 opção)
Selecione a paleta de cores que a marca deveria ter (pode ser mais de 1 opção):

Obrigado pelo envio!

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